Austin Sandler


I am an Agricultural and Resource Economics Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Connecticut

My training encompasses both the economic and geographical disciplines. My sub-discipline specialization spans Agricultural and Environmental Economics, Development Economics, Regional Economics, Econometrics, Economic Geography, Health Geography, Population Geography, Rural Geography, Geographic Information Systems, and Quantitative Methods with a regional focus in Sub-Saharan Africa and rural Appalachia. 

My research interests are multidisciplinary and include topics at the intersection of applied econometric methods, statistical theory, spatial and non-linear analyses, input-output analysis, community banking, rural community development, land-use dynamics, environmental and agricultural systems, ecosystems services, conservation biology, social and environmental determinants of health, child malnutrition, food security, social epidemiology, spatial demography, gender-based violence, education and health services delivery, quantitative research methods and study design, georectification, data quality control, and the history of scientific thought. I have published in a range of peer-reviewed journals including Social Science & Medicine - Population Health, Econ Journal Watch, Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy, Regional Science Policy & Practice, PlosOne, and Land Use Policy.  



Ph.D. in Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland - 2021

M.S. in Applied Economics, University of Minnesota - 2016

M.S. in Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wyoming - 2014

B.S. in Geography, University of Iowa - 2012

B.S. in Economics, University of Iowa - 2012